Drinking Water Treatment : New Membrane Technology
Bingzhi Dong, Tian Li, Huaqiang Chu, Huan He, Shumin Zhu, Junxia Liu
This book provides an up-to-date overview on the membrane technology for the drinking water treatment. The applications of PVDF-TiO2 nanowire hybrid ultrafiltration membrane, nanofiltration membrane, forward osmosis membrane, etc. in water treatment are discussed in detail. With abundant practical examples, the book is an essential reference for scientists, students and engineers in municipal engineering, environmental engineering, chemical engineering, environmental chemistry and material science.
- Издательство:
- De Gruyter
- Год издания:
- 2022
- 978-3-1105-9559-8
- 978-3-1105-9315-0
- 978-3-1105-9684-7
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