Implementing Data Analytics and Architectures for Next Generation Wireless Communications
Chintan Bhatt, Neeraj Kumar, Ali Kashif Bashir, Mamoun Alazab

Wireless communication is continuously evolving to improve and be a part of our daily communication. This leads to improved quality of services and applications supported by networking technologies. We are now able to use LTE, LTE-Advanced, and other emerging technologies due to the enormous efforts that are made to improve the quality of service in cellular networks. As the future of networking is uncertain, the use of deep learning and big data analytics is a point of focus as it can work in many capacities at a variety of levels for wireless communications. Implementing Data Analytics and Architectures for Next Generation Wireless Communications addresses the existing and emerging theoretical and practical challenges in the design, development, and implementation of big data algorithms, protocols, architectures, and applications for next generation wireless communications and their applications in smart cities. The chapters of this book bring together academics and industrial practitioners to exchange, discuss, and implement the latest innovations and applications of data analytics in advanced networks. Specific topics covered include key encryption techniques, smart home appliances, fog communication networks, and security in the internet of things. This book is valuable for technologists, data analysts, networking experts, practitioners, researchers, academicians, and students.

Information Science Reference
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