Applied Ethics in a Digital World
Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes, Jane Thomason

As advances in disruptive technologies transform politics and increase the velocity of information and policy flows worldwide, the public is being confronted with changes that move faster than they can comprehend. There is an urgent need to analyze and communicate the ethical issues of these advancements. In a perpetually updating digital world, data is becoming the dominant basis for reality. This new world demands a new approach because traditional methods are not fit for a non-physical space like the internet. Applied Ethics in a Digital World provides an analysis of the ethical questions raised by modern science, technological advancements, and the fourth industrial revolution and explores how to harness the speed, accuracy, and power of emerging technologies in policy research and public engagement to help leaders, policymakers, and the public understand the impact that these technologies will have on economies, legal and political systems, and the way of life. Covering topics such as artificial intelligence (AI) ethics, digital equity, and translational ethics, this book is a dynamic resource for policymakers, civil society, CEOs, ethicists, technologists, security advisors, sociologists, cyber behavior specialists, criminologists, data scientists, global governments, students, researchers, professors, academicians, and professionals.

Information Science Reference
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