Handbook of Research on Nanoemulsion Applications in Agriculture, Food, Health, and Biomedical Sciences
Karthikeyan Ramalingam

Nanoemulsions are produced by mixing an oil phase with an aqueous phase under shear pressure. This procedure yields uniform populations of oil droplets ranging in diameter from 200 to 8 nm that are kinetically stable colloidal substances with enhanced properties compared to the conventional emulsion substances. Nanoemulsions have broad potential applications in agriculture, food, health, and biomedical sciences. The Handbook of Research on Nanoemulsion Applications in Agriculture, Food, Health, and Biomedical Sciences focuses on the aspects of nanoemulsion-like synthesis, characterization, and more and examines recent trends in their applications within a variety of relevant fields. Nanoemulsions have broad application in many different fields; without emulsification, process product development would not be possible. Covering topics such as cancer treatment, healthcare applications, and food manufacturing, this book is essential for scientists, doctors, researchers, post-graduate students, medical students, government officials, hospital directors, professors, and academicians.

Engineering Science Reference
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