Graphene Composite Supercapacitor Electrodes
Fisher, D.J
Graphene supercapacitors, also called ultracapacitors or electrical double-layer capacitors, have increasingly begun to rival conventional batteries. They allow to manipulate the nanoscale structure of carbon-based supercapacitors and offer the additional advantage of sequestering increasing amounts of carbon from the environment, thus helping to limit global warming. The book focuses on the choice of electrode materials, their properties and methods of fabrication. It references 494 original resources with their direct web links for in-depth reading. Keywords: Graphene Supercapacitors, Micro-Supercapacitors, Oxides, Sulfides, Selenides, Hydroxides, Phosphates, Nitrides, Fabrication, Printing, Environmental Effects.
- Издательство:
- Materials Research Forum LLC
- Год издания:
- 2022
- 978-1-6449-0192-2
- 978-1-6449-0193-9
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