Healthcare of the Future 2022 : Digital Health – From Vision to Best Practice!
T. Bürkle, K. Denecke, J. Holm

There can be no doubt that digital technologies are set to become ever more intrinsic to many areas of healthcare in the future. This book presents the proceedings of Healthcare of the Future 2022, held on 20 May 2022 in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland. This 2022 edition of the medical informatics conference has the subtitle and theme: Digital Health – From Vision to Best Practice! The conference explores recent advances in the deployment of digital technologies in areas such as eHealth, mHealth, personalized health and workflow-based health applications. The overarching aim of the conference is to bridge or eliminate current gaps in information with regard to outpatient care, inpatient care and the interfaces between them. The conference invited submissions for a main track and a young researchers track, and 19 papers are included here; 10 from the main track and 9 from young researchers. All papers have been peer reviewed by 2 reviewers. The papers are divided into 8 sections: advancing interoperability; semantic interoperability; medical informatics for medical research; evaluation of it influence; apps for patients and healthcare professionals parts 1 & 2; workflow based support in patient care; and research in medicine and medical informatics. Presenting an overview of developments and research aimed at improving and accelerating healthcare processes, the book will be of interest to healthcare professionals from a wide range of disciplines.

IOS Press
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