Equine Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery
Jack Easley, Editor, Padraic Dixon, Editor, Nicole du Toit, Editor

This is the largest and most comprehensive textbook on equine dentistry and maxillofacial surgery ever published, and includes the many major scientific advances made in this area over the last 25 years. It also describes in great detail numerous developments in standard and advanced equine dental surgical techniques. The 38 authors include the most prominent academic and clinical specialists in equine dentistry in the world, and most of the authors are Equine Diplomates of the European or American Colleges of Veterinary Dentistry. This textbook will be essential reading for all equine veterinarians performing dentistry especially those who wish to specialise in more advanced equine dentistry, including maxillofacial surgery. Sections of the book will also be of great interest to undergraduate veterinary students, equine interns, equine surgical residents, and veterinary anatomists and pathologists.

Cambridge Scholars Publishing
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