Cybersecurity Measures for E-Government Frameworks
Noor Zaman, Imdad Ali Shah, Samina Rajper
As an application of information technology (IT), e-government is used for delivery in government for services and information exchange between the government and the public. This electronic service delivery is an important innovation to society; however, it also attracts hackers and cyberattacks. It is essential to provide fast protection application software and structure. Cybersecurity Measures for E-Government Frameworks provides security techniques and measures to e-governance applications. It further discusses emerging technologies in the cybersecurity field as well as the specific uses they have to e-government technologies. Covering topics such as cyberattack detection, deep learning, and preventive approaches, this book is an essential resource for government officials, security professionals, students and educators of higher education, IT professionals, researchers, and academicians.
- Издательство:
- Information Science Reference
- Год издания:
- 2022
- 978-1-7998-9624-1
- 978-1-7998-9626-5
- 978-1-7998-9627-2
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