Usability Testing : A Practical Guide for Librarians
Rebecca Blakiston

Do you want to improve the usability of your library website, but feel that it is too difficult, time-consuming, or expensive? In this book, you will learn that in-house usability testing on a budget is not only feasible, but it is practical, sustainable, and has the potential to lead to remarkable improvements of the content, design, and layout of your website. Usability Testing: A Practical Guide for Librarians will teach you how to:Make the case for usability testing Define your audience and their goalsSelect a usability testing method appropriate for your particular contextPlan for an in-house usability testConduct an effective in-house usability testAnalyze usability test results and make decisions based on those resultsCreate and implement a plan for ongoing, systematic usability testingStep-by-step instructions, along with a myriad of examples, allow you to use this book as a practical guide, and adapt the techniques for your own context. Techniques are appropriate for libraries of all types, including academic, public, and special libraries.

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
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