Perforator Flaps for Breast Reconstruction
Levine, Joshua L., Vasile, Julie, Chen, Constance M., Allen, Robert J.

Patient demand for perforator flap procedures is quickly growing due to positive results: they leave women with natural, normal-feeling breasts without destroying any muscle. Perforator Flaps for Breast Reconstruction gives plastic surgeons the detailed instructions they need to perform these sophisticated breast reconstruction procedures. Key Features: Written by expert surgeons who have perfected the use of perforator flaps in breast reconstruction procedures Detailed instructions on how to perform DIEP, SIEA, SHaEP, PAP, GAP, LAP, and TDAP flap procedures Radiographic images, intraoperative photos, and carefully prepared illustrations walk the reader through each procedure Many of the contributors to Perforator Flaps for Breast Reconstruction have pioneered the procedures presented in their respective chapters. This book is an essential authoritative guide for plastic surgeons interested in making perforator flap reconstruction part of their practice.

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