Harnessing Dividends From Drylands : Innovative Scaling up with Soil Nutrients
K V Raju, Suhas P Wani

The livelihoods of millions of people in developing countries, which depend on dryland agriculture to ensure their food security and their well-being, could be improved measurably by gains in agricultural crop yields. This book describes lessons learnt from an innovative scheme in India that improved crop yields in drylands. It shows how the scheme can be scaled up for other dryland regions of the world. The scheme uses localized soil nutrient analyses to create an integrated, climate smart fertilizer and planting plan that maximises yields for farmers. This book describes how a partnership between a global scientific organization (such as International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, ICRISAT) and state and non-state actors can provide a route to equitable growth, specifically for small and marginal farmers, and how this approach can be replicated worldwide to enhance rural livelihoods. This strategic collaboration and its conceptual and functional design is fully outlined, as well as the scheme's implementation and the effective monitoring and learning process that has been created.

CAB International
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