Всего книг: 5

Béla Kapossy, Isaac Nakhimovsky, Sophus A. Reinert, Richard Whatmore
Markets, Morals, Politics : Jealousy of Trade and the History of Political Thought
Harvard University Press, 2018
Jed Z. Buchwald, Diane Greco Josefowicz
The Riddle of the Rosetta : How an English Polymath and a French Polyglot Discovered the Meaning of Egyptian Hieroglyphs
Princeton University Press, 2020
Margaret C. Jacob
The Secular Enlightenment
Princeton University Press, 2019
Nathan I. Sasser
Hume and the Demands of Philosophy : Science, Skepticism, and Moderation
Lexington Books, 2022
Vladislav Rjéoutski, Willem Frijhoff
Language Choice in Enlightenment Europe : Education, Sociability, and Governance
Amsterdam University Press, 2018