Aimee Pozorski
AIDS-Trauma and Politics : American Literature and the Search for a Witness
Lexington Books, 2019 |
Andrew H. Miller
On Not Being Someone Else : Tales of Our Unled Lives
Harvard University Press, 2020 |
Beibei Guan, Wayne Cristaudo
Baudelaire Contra Benjamin : A Critique of Politicized Aesthetics and Cultural Marxism
Lexington Books, 2019 |
Chiara Battisti, Sidia Fiorato
Law and the Humanities: Cultural Perspectives
De Gruyter, 2019 |
Daniela Carpi
Monsters and Monstrosity : From the Canon to the Anti-Canon: Literary and Juridical Subversions
De Gruyter, 2019 |
Floyd Merrell
A Semiotic Theory of Texts
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 |
Garry Young
Fictional Immorality and Immoral Fiction
Lexington Books, 2021 |
Jhumpa Lahiri
Translating Myself and Others
Princeton University Press, 2022 |
John T. Lysaker
Philosophy, Writing, and the Character of Thought
University of Chicago Press, 2018 |
Matthew D. Dinan, Natalie Taylor, Denise Schaeffer, Paul E. Kirkland
Politics, Literature, and Film in Conversation : Essays in Honor of Mary P. Nichols
Lexington Books, 2021 |
Paolo A. Bolaños
Nietzsche and Adorno on Philosophical Praxis, Language, and Reconciliation : Towards an Ethics of Thinking
Lexington Books, 2020 |
Robert B. Pippin
Philosophy by Other Means : The Arts in Philosophy and Philosophy in the Arts
University of Chicago Press, 2021 |
Üner Daglier
The Unknown Satanic Verses Controversy on Race and Religion
Lexington Books, 2020 |
Zoltán Vecsey
Fiction and Representation
De Gruyter, 2019 |