Всего книг: 23

Agnes Czajka, Áine O’Brien
Art, Migration and the Production of Radical Democratic Citizenship
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2022
Aldo Madariaga
Neoliberal Resilience : Lessons in Democracy and Development From Latin America and Eastern Europe
Princeton University Press, 2020
Camila Vergara
Systemic Corruption : Constitutional Ideas for an Anti-Oligarchic Republic
Princeton University Press, 2020
Carles Boix
Democratic Capitalism at the Crossroads : Technological Change and the Future of Politics
Princeton University Press, 2019
Craig Calhoun, Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar, Charles Taylor
Degenerations of Democracy
Harvard University Press, 2022
Dolors Palau-Sampio, Guillermo López García, Laura Iannelli
Contemporary Politics, Communication, and the Impact on Democracy
Information Science Reference, 2022
Emmy Eklundh, Andy Knott
The Populist Manifesto
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2020
Fawn Daphne Plessner
Doing Politics with Citizen Art
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2022
Hélène Landemore
Open Democracy : Reinventing Popular Rule for the Twenty-First Century
Princeton University Press, 2020
John Dunn
Setting the People Free : The Story of Democracy, Second Edition
Princeton University Press, 2019
Mark Harvey, Norman Geras
Inequality and Democratic Egalitarianism : 'Marx's Economy and Beyond' and Other Essays
Manchester University Press, 2018
Michael Tigar
Mythologies of State and Monopoly Power
Monthly Review Press, 2018
Nadia Urbinati
Me the People : How Populism Transforms Democracy
Harvard University Press, 2019
Nancy L. Rosenblum, Russell Muirhead
A Lot of People Are Saying : The New Conspiracism and the Assault on Democracy
Princeton University Press, 2020
Paul K. Jones
Critical Theory and Demagogic Populism
Manchester University Press, 2020
Paul Tucker
Unelected Power : The Quest for Legitimacy in Central Banking and the Regulatory State
Princeton University Press, 2019
Pierre Rosanvallon
Good Government : Democracy Beyond Elections
Harvard University Press, 2018
Rami Zeedan
Arab-Palestinian Society in the Israeli Political System : Integration Versus Segregation in the Twenty-First Century
Lexington Books, 2019
Ulrich Brand, Markus Wissen
The Limits to Capitalist Nature : Theorizing and Overcoming the Imperial Mode of Living
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2018
Victor N. Shaw, Author
From Autocracy to Democracy to Technocracy: An Evolution of Human Polity
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020
Wayne Waxman, Alison McCulloch
The Democracy Manifesto : A Dialogue on Why Elections Need to Be Replaced with Sortition
Lexington Books, 2022
Yael S. Aronoff, Ilan Peleg, Saliba Sarsar
Continuity and Change in Political Culture : Israel and Beyond
Lexington Books, 2020
Zeynep Pamuk
Politics and Expertise : How to Use Science in a Democratic Society
Princeton University Press, 2021