Всего книг: 17

Angela E. Douglas
Insects and Their Beneficial Microbes
Princeton University Press, 2022
Brian Freeman
Ecological and Economic Entomology : A Global Synthesis
CAB International, 2020
Bryan N. Danforth, Robert L. Minckley, John L. Neff, Frances Fawcett
The Solitary Bees : Biology, Evolution, Conservation
Princeton University Press, 2019
David W Onstad, Philip R Crain
Economics of Integrated Pest Management of Insects, The
CAB International, 2019
Diana Perez-Staples, Francisco Diaz-Fleischer, Pablo Montoya, Maria Teresa Vera
Area-Wide Management of Fruit Fly Pests
CRC Press, 2020
Eugeney Eskov, Author
The Origin and Organization of the Bee Colony Apis mellifera L.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019
Graham A. Matthews, Thomas A. Miller
Pest Management in Cotton : A Global Perspective
CAB International, 2022
Jawwad A Qureshi, Philip A Stansly
Asian Citrus Psyllid : Biology, Ecology and Management of the Huanglongbing Vector
CAB International, 2020
Jeremy D. Allison, Ring T. Carde
Pheromone Communication in Moths : Evolution, Behavior, and Application
University of California Press, 2016
Keith S Delaplane
Crop Pollination by Bees, Volume 1 : Evolution, Ecology, Conservation, and Management
CAB International, 2021
Minos Tzanakakis, Author, Byron Katsoyannos, Author
Insect Pests of Fruit Trees and Grapevine
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021
Richard A I Drew, Meredith C Romig
The Fruit Fly Fauna (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae) of Papua New Guinea, Indonesian Papua, Associated Islands and Bougainville
CAB International, 2022
Richard C. Wilkerson, Yvonne-Marie Linton, Daniel Strickman
Mosquitoes of the World
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2021
Roger L H Dennis
Butterfly Biology Systems : Connections and Interactions in Life History and Behaviour
CAB International, 2020
Rüdiger Wehner
Desert Navigator : The Journey of an Ant
Belknap Press, 2020
Stephanie Elizabeth Mohr
First in Fly : Drosophila Research and Biological Discovery
Harvard University Press, 2018
Victor A. Dyck, Jorge Hendrichs, A.S. Robinson
Sterile Insect Technique : Principles And Practice In Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management
CRC Press, 2021