Всего книг: 14

Edward Yu. Bormashenko
Wetting of Real Surfaces
De Gruyter, 2019
Gilberto Medeiros Kremer, Author
Post-Newtonian Hydrodynamics: Theory and Applications
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022
Govert Schilling
The Elephant in the Universe : Our Hundred-Year Search for Dark Matter
Belknap Press, 2022
Kim Ho Yeap, Kazuhiro Hirasawa
Analyzing the Physics of Radio Telescopes and Radio Astronomy
Engineering Science Reference, 2020
Lyman Page
The Little Book of Cosmology
Princeton University Press, 2020
Martin Rees
On the Future : Prospects for Humanity
Princeton University Press, 2021
Masaaki Yamada
Magnetic Reconnection : A Modern Synthesis of Theory, Experiment, and Observations
Princeton University Press, 2022
Neil deGrasse Tyson, J. Richard Gott, Michael A. Strauss
A Brief Welcome to the Universe : A Pocket-Sized Tour
Princeton University Press, 2021
P. J. E. Peebles
Cosmology’s Century : An Inside History of Our Modern Understanding of the Universe
Princeton University Press, 2020
P. J. E. Peebles
The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe
Princeton University Press, 2020
Peter Fisher
What Is Dark Matter?
Princeton University Press, 2022
Ron Cowen
Gravity’s Century : From Einstein’s Eclipse to Images of Black Holes
Harvard University Press, 2019
Sergey Dubovichenko, Author
Phase Shift Analysis in Nuclear Astrophysics
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022
Tony Rothman
A Little Book About the Big Bang
Belknap Press, 2022