Всего книг: 51

Silence, Civility, and Sanity : Hope for Humanity in a Digital Age
Lexington Books, 2022
Allison Hahn
Media Culture in Nomadic Communities
Amsterdam University Press, 2021
Anthony Hatcher
Religion and Media in America
Lexington Books, 2018
Ari Ofengenden
Liberalization and Culture in Contemporary Israel
Lexington Books, 2018
Bill Dodd
Solutions Journalism : News at the Intersection of Hope, Leadership, and Expertise
Lexington Books, 2021
Brian Lennon
Passwords : Philology, Security, Authentication
Belknap Press, 2018
Chiluwa, Innocent, Samoilenko, Sergei A.
Handbook of Research on Deception, Fake News, and Misinformation Online
Information Science Reference, 2019
Daniel Cohen
The Inglorious Years : The Collapse of the Industrial Order and the Rise of Digital Society
Princeton University Press, 2021
David P. Nichols
Transcendence and Film : Cinematic Encounters with the Real
Lexington Books, 2019
Deana A. Rohlinger
New Media and Society
NYU Press, 2018
Deanna Marcum, Roger C. Schonfeld
Along Came Google : A History of Library Digitization
Princeton University Press, 2021
Dolors Palau-Sampio, Guillermo López García, Laura Iannelli
Contemporary Politics, Communication, and the Impact on Democracy
Information Science Reference, 2022
Donald A. Barclay
Fake News, Propaganda, and Plain Old Lies : How to Find Trustworthy Information in the Digital Age
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2018
Gambarato, Renira Rampazzo, Alzamora, Geane
Exploring Transmedia Journalism in the Digital Age
Information Science Reference, 2018
Garry Young
Fictional Immorality and Immoral Fiction
Lexington Books, 2021
Grant Kien
Communicating with Memes : Consequences in Post-truth Civilization
Lexington Books, 2019
Greg Goldberg
Antisocial Media : Anxious Labor in the Digital Economy
NYU Press, 2018
Guo-Ming Chen, Editor, Xiaodong Dai, Editor
Intercultural Communication Competence: Conceptualization and its Development in Cultural Contexts and Interactions
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014
Ian Fraser
Political Theory and Film : From Adorno to Žižek
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2018
Jana Pflaeging, Janina Wildfeuer, John A. Bateman
Empirical Multimodality Research : Methods, Evaluations, Implications
De Gruyter, 2021
Janina Wildfeuer, Jana Pflaeging, John Bateman, Ognyan Seizov, Chiao-I Tseng
Multimodality : Disciplinary Thoughts and the Challenge of Diversity
De Gruyter, 2019
Jenna Ng
The Post-Screen Through Virtual Reality, Holograms and Light Projections : Where Screen Boundaries Lie
Amsterdam University Press, 2021
Jennifer Rothman
The Right of Publicity : Privacy Reimagined for a Public World
Harvard University Press, 2018
Jessa Lingel
The Gentrification of the Internet : How to Reclaim Our Digital Freedom
University of California Press, 2021
Johannes F.M. Schick, Mario Schmidt, Martin Zillinger
The Social Origins of Thought : Durkheim, Mauss, and the Category Project
Berghahn Books, 2022
Joshua Sperber
Consumer Management in the Internet Age : How Customers Became Managers in the Modern Workplace
Lexington Books, 2019
Kalinga Seneviratne, Editor, Sundeep R. Muppidi, Editor
COVID-19, Racism and Politicization: Media in the Midst of a Pandemic
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021
Leighton Andrews
Facebook, the Media and Democracy : Big Tech, Small State?
Routledge, 2020
Lorena Clara Mihăeş, Raluca Andreescu, Anda Dimitriu
Handbook of Research on Contemporary Storytelling Methods Across New Media and Disciplines
Information Science Reference, 2020
Louisa Ha
The Audience and Business of YouTube and Online Videos
Lexington Books, 2018
Luca Bandirali, Enrico Terrone
Concept TV : An Aesthetics of Television Series
Lexington Books, 2021
Mariam F. Alkazemi, Claudia E. Youakim
Arab Worlds Beyond the Middle East and North Africa
Lexington Books, 2021
Michael J. Shapiro
Punctuations : How the Arts Think the Political
Duke University Press Books, 2019
Michael L. Black
Transparent Designs : Personal Computing and the Politics of User-Friendliness
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022
Michael RobbGrieco
Making Media Literacy in America
Lexington Books, 2018
Moritz Altenried
The Digital Factory : The Human Labor of Automation
University of Chicago Press, 2022
Morton Schoolman
A Democratic Enlightenment : The Reconciliation Image, Aesthetic Education, Possible Politics
Duke University Press Books, 2020
Nicholas Diakopoulos
Automating the News : How Algorithms Are Rewriting the Media
Harvard University Press, 2019
Nurdan Oncel Taskiran
Handbook of Research on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Literacy in the Digital Age
Information Science Reference, 2020
Paulo M. Barroso, Author
Contributions to Communicational, Cultural, Media, and Digital Studies: Contemporary World-Society
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020
Payal Arora
The Next Billion Users : Digital Life Beyond the West
Harvard University Press, 2019
Robert E. Denton Jr, Robert Denton
Campaigning in the Aftermath of the 2020 Elections : A Communications Perspective
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2022
Sadia Jamil
Handbook of Research on Combating Threats to Media Freedom and Journalist Safety
Information Science Reference, 2020
Schafer, Stephen Brock
Media Models to Foster Collective Human Coherence in the PSYCHecology
Information Science Reference, 2020
Serpil Kır
New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks
Information Science Reference, 2020
Stacey O'Neal Irwin
Digital Media : Human–Technology Connection
Lexington Books, 2016
Stuart Cunningham, David Craig
Social Media Entertainment : The New Intersection of Hollywood and Silicon Valley
NYU Press, 2019
The AEJMC Elected Standing Committee on Teaching, Chris Roush
Master Class : Teaching Advice for Journalism and Mass Communication Instructors
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2018
Theresa Carilli, Adrienne Viramontes
Performative Memoir : The Methodology of a Creative Process
Lexington Books, 2021
Trudy Milburn
Communicating User Experience : Applying Local Strategies Research to Digital Media Design
Lexington Books, 2015
Yahya R. Kamalipour, Editor
Global Perspectives on Media, Politics, Immigration, Advertising, and Social Networking
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019