Всего книг: 21

Alexander Stern
The Fall of Language : Benjamin and Wittgenstein on Meaning
Harvard University Press, 2019
Ali Alizadeh
Marx and Art
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2019
Ali Rattansi
Bauman and Contemporary Sociology : A Critical Analysis
Manchester University Press, 2017
Anthony Leaker
Against Free Speech
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2020
Gunther Teubner, Diana Göbel
Critical Theory and Legal Autopoiesis : The Case for Societal Constitutionalism
Manchester University Press, 2019
Iain MacKenzie, Guillaume Collett, Krista Bonello Rutter Giappone
The Double Binds of Neoliberalism : Theory and Culture After 1968
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2022
Jean-Paul Rocchi
The Desiring Modes of Being Black : Literature and Critical Theory
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2018
Kate Kenny
Whistleblowing : Toward a New Theory
Harvard University Press, 2019
Kathrin Thiele, Birgit M. Kaiser, Timothy O'Leary
The Ends of Critique : Methods, Institutions, Politics
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2021
Marguerite La Caze, Daniel Brennan
Hannah Arendt and the History of Thought
Lexington Books, 2022
Oliver Feltham
Destroy and Liberate : Political Action on the Basis of Hume
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2019
Patricia McManus
Critical Theory and Dystopia
Manchester University Press, 2022
Paul K. Jones
Critical Theory and Demagogic Populism
Manchester University Press, 2020
Pavlina Radia, Sarah Fiona Winters, Laurie Kruk
The Future of Humanity : Revisioning the Human in the Posthuman Age
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2019
Saulius Geniusas
Stretching the Limits of Productive Imagination : Studies in Kantianism, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2018
Sophie Wahnich
The French Revolution in Theory
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2022
Timothy Johnson
Rhetoric, Inc. : Ford’s Filmmaking and the Rise of Corporatism
Penn State University Press, 2021
Tom Grimwood
The Shock of the Same : An Anti-Philosophy of Clichés
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2021
Walter Benjamin
Origin of the German Trauerspiel
Harvard University Press, 2018
Werner Hamacher, Jan Plug
On the Brink : Language, Time, History, and Politics
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2020
Will Barnes
A Critique of Liberal Cynicism : Peter Sloterdijk, Judith Butler, and Critical Liberalism
Lexington Books, 2022