Yearbook of Private International Law Vol. XVIII - 2016/2017
Andrea Bonomi, Gian Paolo Romano

From 2005 on the Yearbook of Private International Law is published by s.elp in cooperation with the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law. This English-language annual publication provides analysis and information on private international law developments world-wide. The editors commission articles of enduring importance concerning the most significant trends in the field. The Yearbook also devotes attention to the important work and research carried out in the context of the Hague Con­ference, The Hague Acadamy, UNCITRAL and UNIDROIT. The authority of the editors and the lasting nature of the works included make the Yearbook an integral addition to the libraries of international law scholars and practitioners. “I have no qualms in presenting this Yearbook as a most valuable source of information to those whose main area of scholarship and professional interest revolves around private international law. This is, in essence, a fair assessment of the Yearbook's main accomplishment.”The American Review of International Arbitration, 11:3 (2000), re Volume I of the Yearbook

Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt
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