Islamic Heritage Architecture and Art II
Passerini, G.

Papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Islamic Heritage Architecture and Art are contained in this volume. The conference attracted important research highlighting the significance of Islamic heritage architecture and art to the world and its influence across different regions. The papers deal with the design of many types of buildings in Islamic countries, including not only the better known public buildings like mosques, mausolea, citadels and forts, but also houses and gardens, engineering works such as bridges and dams, irrigation systems and many others which have also had a profound impact on society. Traditional architecture and urban environment in most Islamic countries is now being eroded by overemphasis on a global type of architecture and city planning. As a consequence, many regions are losing their identity. The included studies review these developments in the light of what classical Islamic urban design and architecture has to offer modern society. Research contained in this book provides an analysis of the materials employed and the types of structural elements used, particularly those unique to Islamic architecture. Associated topics covered include music, textiles and ceramics, which are essential parts of the architectural fabric. Also looked at are construction materials, including not only stone and brick but also more perishable materials like adobe, wood and reeds. The preservation of heritage features also requires the development of appropriate conservation techniques in response to the different materials used and the ways structural forms work, including under extreme conditions, such as earthquakes. Academics, researchers, practitioners and government employees actively involved in the topic of Islamic heritage architecture and art will find this publication of interest.

WIT Press
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