Orthopaedic Knowledge Update® Pediatrics 6
Jeffrey E. Martus

Orthopaedic Knowledge Update®: Pediatrics 6 reflects the most recent clinical practice guidelines and appropriate use criteria, as well as the substantial number of high-quality studies in pediatric orthopaedics. This comprehensive multispecialty resource explores the latest advances in pediatric trauma, sports-related injuries, and upper and lower extremity conditions, with brand-new chapters on developmental biology, metabolism, high-energy injury and polytrauma, elbow trauma, knee trauma, and disaster response. Recognized section editors and contributors bring fresh approaches and perspectives, with a focus on delivering a well-rounded update of this rapidly evolving subspecialty. This concentrated guide to new techniques, new approaches, and current controversies is ideal for anyone who treats pediatric musculoskeletal injuries.

Wolters Kluwer Health
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