International Arbitration in England : Perspectives in Times of Change
Laila Hamzi, Daniel Harrison, Gregory Fullelove

There is no question that in recent years, the case law, practice and legal environment in which international arbitration in England is practised have all evolved and adapted to a changing world and continue to do so. In this book, a diverse range of practitioners chart this development with detailed consideration of the challenges and opportunities for the future of international arbitration in England. The topics chosen often reflect and explore preoccupations of our times, including such aspects of arbitral practice as the following: challenges to arbitrators, with particular attention to the Supreme Court's findings in Halliburton v. Chubb; virtual hearings; diversity in international arbitration; climate change arbitration; ‘green arbitration'practices; developing jurisprudence regarding enjoining foreign states in English proceedings; recovery of in-house costs in English-seated international arbitrations; overlapping sanctions regimes and their application to arbitral disputes in England; and the role and future of third-party funding. The fact that the essays were all written during the COVID-19 pandemic is reflected in the procedural issues which form the focus of some chapters, reminding us that when it comes, change can come quickly. For this reason, the deeply informed insights in this volume, intended as they are to ensure the continued evolution and success of international arbitration in England, will prove of immeasurable value for any practitioner making submissions before an arbitral tribunal. Jurists, academics and students will gain invaluable perspectives on the future trajectory of the field.

Kluwer Law International
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